What Is The Best Value Home Treadmill For Around $1,000? (Sole F63 vs NordicTrack 6.5 Si Forum Review) (2024)

Running & Treadmill Forums picked a clear winner between the NordTrack T6.5 Si & Sole Fitness F63 as the best value home treadmill. The NordTrack excelled at: (1) Large interactive screen (2) Streaming quality of trainer and ‘virtual’ walk/run location sessions. Sole’s standout points were (1) Speed & higher inclines (2) Low noise. The Sole F63 was best buy for $1000 when ‘reliability’ was factored in.

Table of Contents

What Is The Best Value Home Treadmill For Around $1,000? (Sole F63 vs NordicTrack 6.5 SiForum Review) (1)

According to the United States Census Bureau, approximately 8.7 million home treadmills were sold in the US in 2019. This figure is an increase of 5.6% from 2018 sales and has seen steady growth over the past decade.

It’s not hard to see why: Treadmills are an excellent exercise method for both beginners and experienced fitness enthusiasts alike. Why?

  • Exercising at home means you can top-up your fitness without the hassle of going to the gym or running outdoors in inclement weather.
  • Health is another reason why people are taking to the treadmill. One Harvard Medical School physician recommends treadmill exercises to help avoid strokes, the fifth biggest killer in the US.

(See this article for more information: 3 Treadmill Workouts Recommended by a Harvard Medical School Doctor)

Home treadmills come in all shapes and sizes – from basic manual treadmills that don’t require electricity, to high-end motorized models with built-in displays.

Prices for a top-end residential treadmill can go beyond $5,000.

Treadmills have moving parts (and electronic components) which are under constant stress making them prone to breakdown.

Choosing a ‘reliable’ treadmill for around $1,000 can be tricky, not least because there are so many to pick from. This comprehensive review differs from others we’ve seen in that as well as useful features and functionality, it focusses on:

  • Build quality
  • After sales service
  • Life expectancy

In addition, the growing number of treadmills at the $1,000 price point can lead to ‘analysis paralysis’ for first time buyers, so we’ve narrowed the ‘contest’ down to two of the most popular machines and brands currently on the market:

  • NordicTrack T6.5 Si
  • Sole Fitness F63

NOTE: Equipment failures increase with time so, in order to ‘test’ reliability, the machines which we reviewed had to be at least 4 years old. However, manufacturers introduce new models every 2-3 years and the NordicTrack T series has now been discontinued and replaced with the new EXP series.

However, stocks of the T6.5 Si were still available for sale at the time of publication (April 2023). Alternatively, the NordicTrack EXP series offers similar level features to the T6.5 Si at around $100-$200 more.


Our review is different from others we’ve seen in that it draws from real” people’s actual experiences posted on running and treadmill forums rather than Out-of-the Box reviews.

(NEW equipment reviews can tell us a lot about features and selling price. However, they can’t tell us anything about medium-to-long term performance, especially reliability)

  1. We asked forum users which treadmill characteristics were most important for them

What product managers and marketing people ‘think’ are useful features and what real people actually ‘find’ helpful are not always the same thing!

One forum user summed this up nicely: “It’s a great machine for running without all of the frills that I didn’t feel I needed.”

  1. We ranked answers from popular running and treadmill forums

Only things which real treadmill users said mattered were included in the review. Five characteristics came up over and over. These were (in no particular order):

  1. Motor Power
  2. Deck Length
  3. Storage Capability
  4. Reliability
  5. After-Sales Service

About the Manufacturers


NordicTrack was founded by Edward and Florence Pauls in 1975, when Ed Pauls invented the original NordicTrack ski machine in his garage inChaska, Minnesota,[1]in an effort to train for the local VJC cross-country ski race.

In 1986 NordicTrack was sold to CML Corporation (CMLK), which moved operations out of Chaska. It has seen several owners since, and today NordicTrack is owned and managed byiFIT Health & Fitness Inc.which is headquartered in Logan, Utah. The company has been manufacturing exercise equipment since 1975.

Despite scouring its official website, we could not establish in which country the NordicTrack was manufactured. This rather ambiguous result was the only online search which came anywhere near to answering our query: “NordicTrack manufacturing base is still in Minnesota although many of the components for their equipment are made in China and other parts of the world.”

Sole Fitness

Founded in 2001 by Trevor Larsen and based in Salt Lake City, Utah,SoleFitness began as a commercial-grade fitness equipment brand that provided exercise equipment to hotel chains like Hilton and Omni.

Sole Fitness was acquired by Taiwanese company, Dyaco, in 2020. Dyaco had supplied products to Sole Fitness on an original design manufacturing basis and helped sell the brand’s products outside of North America prior to the takeover. Today Sole treadmills are manufactured in China.

Technical Details

NordicTrack T 6.5i Treadmill

What Is The Best Value Home Treadmill For Around $1,000? (Sole F63 vs NordicTrack 6.5 SiForum Review) (2)
  • Dimensions: L x W x H‎ = 67.5 x 36 x 73 inches
  • Deck Length: ‎55 Inches
  • Deck Width‎: 20 Inches
  • Weight‎: 198 Pounds
  • Material: ‎Alloy Steel
  • Motor: 2.6 CHP
  • Speed Rating‎: 10 miles per hour
  • Incline Percentage: + 10
  • Recommended Product Use: ‎Walking, Jogging
  • Assembly Required‎: Yes
  • Storage: Fold-Away / Hydraulic Assisted
  • Display Type‎: 10 inches Interactive HD touchscreen
  • Streaming: Yes. On-demand iFIT workouts with trainers or ‘virtual’ walking or running sessions at locations around the world to help ward off boredom (SMART-Response motor synchs incline and speed with terrain of virtual location). Provides easy stats tracking

(Note: WiFi required. iFIT free for first 30 days only – after that $15-per-month)

  • Number of Programs: 20 (These include basic routines such as HIIT, Hill Climb, and Calorie Burn. You can also run Google routes and the treadmill will adjust for you to match the actual terrain WITHOUT needing to subscribe to iFIT)
  • Power Source: ‎Corded Electric
  • Included Components:‎ Upright arms, Deck and Motor, Console, Hardware package
  • Maximum Weight Recommendation‎: 300 pounds
  • Package Dimensions: L x W x H‎ = 77 x 31.75 x 11 inches
  • Package Weight‎: 206 pounds

Warranty: ‎

  • 10-Year Frame Warranty
  • 2-Year Parts Warranty
  • 1-Year Labor Warranty


  • Includes a 30-Day iFit Membership (virtual trainer & running/walking trails)

Full description video:

Sole F63 Treadmill

What Is The Best Value Home Treadmill For Around $1,000? (Sole F63 vs NordicTrack 6.5 SiForum Review) (3)

Product Dimensions: ‎75″D x 33″W x 58″H

Deck Length: ‎60 Inches

Deck Width‎: 20 Inches

Weight‎: 254 Pounds

Material‎: Alloy Steel

Maximum Speed: ‎12 Miles per Hour

Maximum Incline Percentage: +‎15

Motor‎: 3 CHP

Assembly Required: Yes

Storage: Fold-Away / Hydraulic Assisted

Display Type‎: LCD 6.5 inches

Power Source: ‎Corded Electric

Streaming: No. However, mobile devices can be attached to view videos, read ebooks etc. while you exercise

Number of Programs‎: 10

Maximum Weight Recommendation‎: 325 Pounds

Item Package Dimensions: x W x H‎77.8 x 37.2 x 15.4 inches

Package Weight‎: 260 Pounds

Warranty: ‎

  • Lifetime Frame Warranty
  • 5-Year Parts Warranty
  • 1-Year Labor Warranty

Full Description video:

Pros & Cons: NordicTrack T 6.5 Si vs Sole F63

NordicTrack T 6.5 SI


  • Adjustable Deck Floor: Allows you to simulate running or walking outdoors on ‘hard’ mode or switch to ‘cushioned’ for greater joint support
  • Programmes: Offers 20 workout programs where most models at this price point would usually only offer 10 or less
  • Price: Affordable budget-end treadmill with large display and streaming functionality that you would normally only see on more expensive models ($999 Amazon)


  • Running Deck:Shortish running deck makes it better suited to jogging and walking than performance running and training. Not ideal for runners above average height
  • Speed and Incline:If you require speed and challenging inclines for interval training, 10 mph and 10% incline levels probably won’t cut it.(But fine for walking/jogging)
  • Motor Noise: noise levels may be higher than some people would tolerate (using headphones would remedy this)

Sole F63


  • Motor: 3 CHP motor delivers up to 15% incline, and 12 miles per hour max speed. Also, motor noise levels are lower than the NordicTrack
  • Running Deck: Running surface is 5 inches longer than NordicTrack. This helps to facilitate taller runners and those looking to run at maximum speeds
  • Build Quality: Sturdy build quality is probably best available at this price point ($1099 Amazon)


  • Display: Small LCD displayis rather outdated. Lacks clarity and functionality vs NordicTrack
  • Programs: Fewer pre-programmed workouts compared to NordicTrack
  • Streaming: No live and on-demand streaming of ‘virtual’ activities

Forum Scores: NordicTrack T 6.5 Si v Sole F63

Key Forum RequirementsNordicTrack T 6.5i Sole F63
Speed 7/10 8/10
Incline 7/10 8/10
Deck size 7/108/10
Motor noise 6/10 8/10
Warranty 7/10 7/10
Streaming/Programs9/10 6/10

When it comes to features, there’s not that much to choose between the NordicTrack and the Sole. Both models offer features which beginners will find helpful:

  1. The NordicTrack’s stand-out characteristic is its interactive virtual trainer and location feature. This will help beginners quickly gain confidence and possibly encourage them to maintain walking or running routines for longer.
  2. With its more powerful motor, the Sole 63 offers faster speeds and higher inclines which will appeal to triathletes and marathon runners looking to incorporate interval training into their routines.
  3. The Sole 63 also allows speeds to increase in 1 mile per hour increments, making it an ideal machine for seniors or others with limited mobility (and walkers) because the speed transitions are smoother and more stable.

We inputted typical search terms like these into Google:

  1. “Sole F63”
  2. “NordicTrack T6.5si”
  3. “Best US treadmill around $100”
  4. “Best walking treadmill $1000”
  5. “Best running treadmill $1000”

Results appeared on the following forums:

  1. Slowtwitch.com (Triathlon) https://forum.slowtwitch.com/forum/Slowtwitch_Forums_C1/Triathlon_Forum_F1/
  2. Reddit Treadmills https://www.reddit.com/r/treadmills/
  3. Letsrun.com https://www.letsrun.com/whats-letsrun-com

The forum threads below were representative of answers that we found to our searches. We have replicated them here in full

What did the Reddit Treadmill Forum say about the NordicTrack T6.5 Si & Sole F63?

The following thread makes for interesting reading:

r/treadmills•Posted by u/Proof-Conversation64

Aug 2022

Q: NordicTrack T 6.5 Si vs ProForm Sport 6.0

I’ve been looking at treadmills and have narrowed it down to these two which are in my price range and on sale, does anybody have any experience on which treadmill is better? The specs seem comparable but this is my first treadmill, I plan on using it for jogging 4-5 times a week. I am also not interested in the built in screen/workout subscription if that helps. Thanks!

A1: Have you done your research on NordicTrack? They have a TERRIBLE reputation…..their treadmills break easily and support is awful apparently.

I don’t have one, but when I was looking to purchase a treadmill I researched NordicTrack. Beware.

A2: The Sport 6.0 is a little less expensive from what I’ve seen on newlifecardioequipment dot com but to be fair the T 6.5si seems a little sturdier and I think it’s got the built in workout if you were interested in those rather than just the constant speed

A3: They are the same company. Owned by ICON/iFIT. They are absolutely awful and break down easily with almost non existent support. [Store owner]

A4: Buy it at big5 so you can just return it every year when it breaks.

A5: These are both disposable treadmills. If you must, get the one with the better warranty, or buy the 5 yr ext warranty. or wait/save and get something that will be more reliable.

A6:Both are from the same company. Nordictrack still has the shortest warranty and a 2.6 horsepower motor. The Proform warranty is better with 25 years on the motor, but the motor is only 2.5 hp.

You get a Sole F63 and a Horizon 7.0AT with a lifetime warranty on the motor too, and a 3HP motor. Both also have 3 years on parts. Horizon offers an additional 5 years of warranty boost on payment of $150.

VERDICT: The Sole – the F63 model in particular – appears to be a firm favourite with the Reddit treadmill community.

The comment below sums up the forum members’ wariness about NordicTrack’s reliability.

“I owned a proform that lasted 4 years before the console went out and a Nordictrack 1750 that just died in me during a run that I’ve owned for 7 years or so. I really like the Nordictrack but looking at these negative Reddit posts on Nordictrack I’m looking at other options.”

Posted by u/Extreme-Mirror-96 (March 2023)

What did Reddit treadmill forum say about NordicTrack & Sole Fitness After Sales?

Delivery & Installation

The following post is from the owner of an independent store:

“Sole also gets blamed (rightfully so) for the negative delivery experiences – just like other brands, they’ll contract out the White Glove or Room of Choice services to the carrier, who will then contract them to local assembly companies in your town.

Sometimes, there’s even another layer, as there might be a national assembly partner who will find the local assembly crew.

With the install, there is a LOT of room for error, so it’s no surprise mistakes happen all the time. This could be a reason not to buy from Sole, but I don’t think it takes away from the value in an F80.

Sole has plenty of issues – in my opinion, mostly around organization or communication with the service department during the busy season – but I’ve always preferred working with them over brands like Horizon, iFit (NordicTrack or PRO-FORM), or some others.

In my experience, Sole is never out there maliciously denying warranty claims, and their Arkansas-based phone support teams is one of the friendliest groups.

What slowtwitch.com (Triathlon forum) said about NordicTrack T 6.5 Si & Sole F63 treadmills:

This runner wanted to know what other forum members thought of their treadmills. We picked out the replies which included NordicTrack or Sole treadmills (but not specifically the T 6.5 Si or F63)

Post #1 of 39(1962 views)Aug 14, 2022 14:40

Q: Looking at picking up a treadmill. Curious about others experience: What Model, Price Paid, Where did you purchase, How often do you use it:

Post #3 of 39(1937 views)

A1:What Model: Sole F63- real happy with it

Price Paid: 2K. Where did you purchase: direct from supplier, delivery was included.

How often do you use it: 2Xweek

Post #7 of 39(1798 views)

A2: Sole F63- I purchased used off Craigslist for $300. Probably at least 5 years old with little use, still had deck stickers on it. Turns out I knew the seller. Estimated use in summer is 2-3 times per month, probably twice a week during the winter. Good, solid, not loud. Good value. Owned a Precor purchased new previously. Sole is way better value. Would absolutely purchase another Sole.

Post #12 of 39(1552 views)

A3: Another vote for Sole, I have the F80 and it was a great purchase. I have done everything from easy walks, hills, speedwork, to 20 mile long runs on it and it just performs. Had to replace the belt as it was getting a bit slippery, and although I was able to DIY it, the fine tuning can be a bit tricky.

Post #13 of 39(1536 views)

A4: I have a Nordictrack Commercial 1750. I bought it for $400 from a warehouse liquidator. It had zero miles but was open box. The power cord was severed so I essentially replaced it and it was a new treadmill.

It’s a great treadmill with a touchscreen and IFIT compatible. There are no sidewalks near my house and the roads have no shoulders, so running is very questionable unless you hop in the car and drive 20 minutes. In the winter with less daylight, it’s even more essential. I don’t think I could live without it.

Post #18 of 39 (1516 views)

A5: Sole F80. $1600 new (on sale a couple hundred off?) Bought direct from Sole

I use 3-5 times in winter hardly ever in summer but hoping to be 4-6 times a week next year all year long as I’m getting back into training. Wife uses it about the same but also in summer more.

Totally worth it would definitely do it again. The ability to get on and run whenever and still be home to check napping kids are okay is great.

Post #19 of 39(1459 views)

A6: What Model: Sole F63

Price Paid: $900. Where did you purchase: Dick’s Sporting Goods

How often do you use it: Never but my GF runs on it a few times a week.

It’s a very nice treadmill, it took me a little while to put it together.

I just don’t like running in her workout room. The normal height ceiling feels weird to me.

Post #22 of 39(1426 views)

A7: NordicTrack Elite 9700 Pro. Purchased from craigslist for $100, have put about $250 in replacing the belt and motherboard since then. Having a 4.25hp treadmill in our garage has been amazing in both summer and winter. Big fan of doing hill workouts on it and definitely need a high powered one for my weight/speed.

Post #23 of 39(1419 views)

A8: Sole F80. $1300 with some Dicks discount coupons/sales. Dicks Sporting Goods

Initial setup was a little wonky as the company that Dicks uses for delivery and setup wasn’t familiar with this newer model. Eventually they sent a tech out directly from Sole. It’s been flawless since. Use it 2-3x/week in Winter. It’s a little slow on speed changes but a pretty solid treadmill overall.

Post #24 of 39(1269 views)

A10: We’re on our second Nordic Track, a 2950, after we effectively killed the first one. Paid $2500 or so from Best Buy and then another $200 for in-home assembly.

It gets used every day, often by both of us. Florida running is not great- weather is awful for most of the year, it’s flat unless you want to do ‘hill repeats’ over Intracoastal where there are non-zero odds of getting hit by a distracted driver sending an urgent text.

I really like the iFit system. The global workouts and trainers keep me engaged and get me doing a lot more incline work than I’d do if left to my own devices.

VERDICT: Four positive posts here for NordicTrack, but Sole Fitness (with four ‘votes’ for F 63 + two for the F80) still comes out on top with slowtwitch.com members.

What LetsRun.Com (Running Forum) said about NordicTrack F 6.5 Si & Sole F63 Treadmils

This runner asked for personal treadmill recommendations:

Q: Looking to buy a treadmill for a spare room on a third-floor condominium. Need something well built, serviceable by owner, and long lasting. Any recommendations from the good people of LRC?

User: man of la caminadora 04/21/2021 9:45am EDT

A1: SOLE F80 Treadmill has been amazing for me. I have had 0 mechanical issues and there is a lifetime warranty on the Frame, deck and motor. I’ve put over 6000miles on it since I bought it lightly used.

User: runinthewind

A2: I’d probably go with a Sole F80 if I were buying new now. I personally have a NordicTrack Elite 3700 bought 6+ years ago, I’ve put 6,000 miles on it and my wife walks on it. No problems with it, lube the belt and screws every so often. I’ve heard all kinds of problems though about NordicTrack (fyi Proform is the same manufacturer) but I haven’t had a problem with mine. I thought about buying a used precor or life fitness at the time but didn’t.

User: LetsRun22

A3: I have Nordic Track Commercial 1750 and like it alot

User: Scubacane

VERDICT: LetsRun.Com members ‘voted’ 2- to-1 in favour of Sole Fitness


This review threw up a rather surprising result.

As far as key product characteristics and value for money are concerned, there is really very little to choose between the NordicTrack T 6.5 Si and the Sole F63.

On the face of it, the NordicTrack might just edge it

NordicTrack T 6.5Si, boasts a very commendable 4.5star customer review score on Amazon.

Specialist site TreadmillReviews.Net has a NordicTrack treadmill among its top three machines.

But what do customers who have had used theses treadmills for years have to say?

After all, the real test for any product with moving parts and electronics is the test of time.

Why running Forum verdicts on the NordicTrack T 6.5 Si & Sole F63 differ so greatly from Amazon and TreadMillReviews?

We reckon this anomaly can be explained by the fact that:

  1. Amazon places a 12-month time limit on posting product reviews on its site – a sort of statute of limitation on customer feedback. Most breakdowns are likely to happen after this first year is up, but by that time it’s too late for dissatisfied customers to register their complaint! Getting a true idea of value from Amazon reviews is therefore near impossible.
What Is The Best Value Home Treadmill For Around $1,000? (Sole F63 vs NordicTrack 6.5 SiForum Review) (4)
  1. Mainstream reviewers, like TreadMillReviews, only test brand new equipment out-of-the- box, so reliability is not an issue they consider.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating. When considering a new treadmill, the best way to discover how long it might last is to ask people who’ve used them over a number of years. This is where running and treadmill forums come into their own.

Final Verdict

Given its strong reputation for build quality and reliability, there can only be one winner in this review: The Sole Fitness F63 is the best value home treadmill out of the two.

Where to buy?

  • From Amazon:

Sole Fitness F63

The NordicTrack T 6.5 Si is no longer available to buy on Amazon. However, the C700 folding treadmill is in the same price range.

NOTE: We may receive a small commission if you use the links to buy from Amazon.

  • Or if you are looking for a second-hand machine, try Facebook Marketplace, Ebay or Craigslist. (You can still find the NordicTrack T 6.5 Si on these platforms).


Q: How long should a home treadmill last?

A: The quality of the machine’s components and amount of use are probably the most important factors with treadmill lifespan. On the forum threads that we saw, the consensus seems to be that entry level machines (sub $1,000) will last anything from 1-5 years. 7 years seems to be the maximum for higher priced treadmills – but ONLY if they are maintained properly. It’s also recommended to swap out belt and deck around 5-7 years or so.

Q: Do treadmills hold their value?

A: Yes. To some extent. The popularity of treadmills is helping to create a vibrant second-hand market. If you are looking to sell – in order to upgrade – or buy on a smaller budget – take a look at online platforms like Craigslist’s, Ebay and Facebook Marketplace. You should be able to pick up (or sell) a three-year-old NordicTrack T 6.5 Si or Sole F63 for $300-400. (But bear in mind they won’t come with a warranty)

Q: Should I unplug my treadmill after each use?

A: Yes. Best practice is to unplug your machine after every use if possible, or at least once a week or a couple times a month when in use. Leaving machines on, in sleep mode, or even turned off with power switch but still plugged in, increases the chances of electronics “wearing out” as a small amount of power enters the machine continuously if it’s left plugged in. In addition, unplugging reduces chances of upper electronic board failing in the event of a bad storm/power surge.

Q: Do I Have to pay for the iFIT streaming subscription in order to use a NordicTrack treadmill?

A: No. After setting up your treadmill and turning it on, the screen will say “Go to iFit.Com and register to activate.” It will appear that you need to sign-up for iFit to turn on your treadmill. You will be asked for your credit card to start a free trial, after which you will be AUTOMATICALLY charged $15.00 a month.
To avoid paying the subscription: Hold down the iFIT logo on the treadmill for 30 seconds and your treadmill will work.

Q: What sort of mat should I put down to protect my plush carpet?

A: Soft mats don’t protect carpet from heavy treadmills – you will still be left with ugly imprints. We found two suggestions on the Redditt treadmill forum to avoid this happening:

  1. Buy a sheet of particle board at Home Depot and cut it down to size (4×8 board costs around $30).
  2. Buy a horse stall mat (available from Tractor Supply. These are very sturdy and do the job well.
What Is The Best Value Home Treadmill For Around $1,000? (Sole F63 vs NordicTrack 6.5 Si Forum Review) (2024)


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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.